I want to make an interview with other YouTuber beginners to talk about the journey of growing a YouTube channel
Hey guys, I'm a YouTuber beginner with only 2K subs, but I would like to make an interview with other YouTubers who are on the same journey. The idea is to talk and share about the difficulties and tips/tricks to growing a youtube channel. Is anyone interested?
Tags :
youthbe youtube youtuber interview youtube interview podcast videography groupStart: 2021-03-05 16:00:00
End: 2021-03-21 12:00:00
Skill Tag on Request
Simon Smaluhn
Rebecca Webb
2021-03-23 04:34:47i just start youtube channel too! good idea! looking forward to it!
dewi anty
2021-03-23 04:36:23good luck! what is your channel? we can help support each other :)